This post has the information you need for the rest of the semester. Please read carefully.
PowerPoint - March 24 through April 17th
- Everyone should now be working on PowerPoint Assignments.
- The PowerPoint Quiz can be taken any time. The last day to take this quiz is April 17th.
- The Quiz is worth 25% of your grade.
Concepts - April 18th through May 13th
- During this portion of the class, it is extremely important that you BE IN CLASS!
- You do not have a textbook for this so you will be taking notes during our in-class discussions.
- These notes can be used on the test over Concepts.
- The Concepts quiz will be given on May 12 (MWF class) and May 13 (TR class) during regular class time.
- The Quiz is worth 25% of your grade.
Final Exam - May 14 through 16
- The final exam will be the Post Assessment Test - Exactly like the Pre Assessment Test we took at the beginning of the semester.
- This exam is mandatory.
- Dates for the final are as follows:
- MWF 12:00 Class - Wednesday, May 14th, 1:00-3:00
- TR 9:30 Class - Friday, May 16th, 10:00-12:00
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