Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, Jan 15th and Thursday, Jan16th

Today we will be taking the pre assessment test.

This is a mandatory test, however, it is not for a grade.  I simply use this pre-test and the end of the semester post-test for program assessment purposes.

If you are absent today, you need to get with me to make up this test.

  • Open any Internet browser and go to
  • Click on My Campus in the upper right hand corner
  • Login in to My Campus the exact same way you login in to the computer
  • On the left hand side, click on eCollege
  • Click on Academics in the top left corner (above today's date)
  • Click on CS1203 Intro to Computer link for Spring 2014 semester
  • Click on Holder/Tuman on the left hand column
  • Click on Intro PreAssessment
  • You are now ready to being the test so click on Begin Intro PreAssessment
  • Read the info on the screen
  • Click once again on Begin Intro PreAssessment Now
  • You will be presented with the 1st question (there are approximately 65 multiple choice questions)
  • Simply answer each question the best you can.  You cannot return to a question once you have went on to the next.
  • When finished, click on Submit for Grading
  • You are now finished for today.  Sign out of the Campus Portal and the computer.
  • Have a great day!

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