Sunday, August 18, 2013

Monday, August 19th (MWF 11:00 and 12:00) and Tuesday, August 20th (TR 9:30 class)

 Introduction to Computer Concepts/Apps

Unit 1 – Why Computers Matter to You: Becoming Computer Literate

Mindy Holder, Instructor

Why Should You Become Computer Literate?

Give me some examples that support this statement -
Computers are nearly everywhere in our society.  We interact with them sometimes without even knowing it.


There are basically 3 main benefits you gain from being computer fluent.
  1. Being a more knowledgeable computer user and consumer
  2. Better prepared for your career
  3. Help you to better accept future technologies

#1 Becoming a Knowledgeable Computer User and Consumer:

  • Avoiding hackers and viruses

  • Protecting your privacy

  • Using the Internet wisely

  • Making good purchasing decision

  • Knowing how to integrate the latest technology with your equipment

#2 Being Prepared for Your Career:

  •  Get into a group of 2-3.  Write down each of your chosen career areas.  List ways that computers are used in these career areas. Be prepared to discuss.

#3 Understanding the Challenges Facing a Digital Society:

What are some new technologies that were introduced into our society in the last 5 years that were not well received?

Discuss these questions:
  1. Should companies be allowed to collect personal data from visitors to their Web sites without their permission?
  2. What are the risks involved in humans attempting to create computers that can learn and become more human?
  3. Many employees don’t know that employers have the right to monitor email and network traffic on the systems they use at work.  
  4. Surveillance devices in the workplace.
  5. Surveillance cameras/devices in public places.  

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