Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Mindy Holder – NEED TO KNOW
Fall 2012


Student Conduct -
*      Respect – Treat other students and myself with respect as I will do the same for you.
*      Language – Keep your language clean and respectable.  Watch what you are discussing in class as you might say something that would offend others who can hear you.
*      Honesty – Represent yourself and your work in an honest manner.
*      Property – Respect College Property.
*      Tobacco – Do not use tobacco products in the classroom.
*      Food – Do not bring food into the classroom for any reason.
*      Drinks – Drinks are allowed in classroom as long as the cup has a lid and you take the cup with you when you leave.

Attendance –
*      Attendance will be recorded via use of sign in sheets.  However, it will not be used for a grade.
*      If you know you will be gone, please email me at so that I have record of it.

Cell Phones – 
*      Keep on silent mode.  If you need to take a call, then quietly step outside to do so.


Two Textbooks –
*      Technology in Action, Introductory, 7th edition.  ISBN 978-0-13-509631-4
*      Microsoft Office 2010 , First Course, Introductory, Illustrated Series.  ISBN 978-0-538-74715-8.


Everything you need to know about the class, assignments, holidays, tests, etc. can be found on my teaching blog:

Grades will be posted to the online grading program, Engrade.


Mindy Holder
620-417-1356 (office)
620-629-0610 (cell)
Office – Business Division, AA125

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